Soft skills are a combination of a multitude of communication and collaboration skills. Problem-solving, negotiation skills, leadership skills are some of the soft skills that students frequently need. During a job interview, soft skills play a crucial role in creating an impression – correct use of grammar, being to-the-point and steering the conversation makes all the difference in the world.

Do you have good interpersonal skills?

What to do

Just like any other skill, soft skills need to be practised. The current academic structure does not focus on developing these crucial skills. So, it is up to the students to find the time to dedicate to these skills. Students can develop these skills faster by taking a strategic approach

1. Prioritize

Take a notebook (if you want to do it the old-school way) or take electronic notes (just the thing for the tech-savvy) and think hard about what is your comfort zone. Do you like to think about solving problems in your free time? Do you enjoy working in a team? Do people remember what you said if you gave a presentation?

Once you know your areas of strength and the areas that need work then you have begun on the right note.

2. Practice your skills

Reach out to your well-wishers – friends, family, and teachers. Check whether your assessment of yourself is similar to their assessment of you. Use apps, videos, articles and interactive sessions with people of multiple age groups to learn more and more about the soft skill. Always go back to practice with the same people after some time has passed so that you can measure your progress.

3. Keep a balance

There will always be a tendency to focus on the soft skills that you are good at. It is true that not everyone is great at all the soft skills. However, just developing the skill to a small extent can help you in an unforeseen situation say, after you get a job and need to negotiate with your boss to give your idea a try. So, even if you feel that progress is slow, keep working on all the soft skills.

At TGC Technologies Pvt Ltd, we have developed a gamified career-building app called Skillmuni. The gamified environment takes away stress and helps students focus on building their career in the best possible way. Whether it is getting a job, becoming an entrepreneur or pursuing higher education – the Skillmuni app provides you with versatile choices. Download the app to feel the power of choice.