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Explore Career Opportunities after Graduation

..With a rapidly changing socio-economic landscape, career opportunities after graduation for the youth in 2019 look very different from what they did 2 to 3 years ago…

How to Prepare for Campus Placements?

Campus placement is the most significant event of a student’s college life. It is the culmination of all the knowledge and skills that the student has gained over many years of education. So, how early should you start preparing for placements? What is the best strategy for preparation?…

How Can Students Develop Soft Skills?

Soft skills are a combination of a multitude of communication and collaboration skills. Problem-solving, negotiation skills, leadership skills are some of the soft skills that students frequently need. During a job interview, soft skills play a crucial role in creating an impression …

A Beginner’s guide to Personality Development

Have you instantly felt drawn to a person while being in their presence? Did their presence brighten the atmosphere with positive energy? So what makes them have the “it” factor in them? This is the result of a developed personality…